College of Agronomy and Horticulture

当前位置: 首页>>师资队伍>>专任教师>>正文





1. Ji Wang, Danyu Shen, Chengcheng Ge et al. Filamentous Phytophthora pathogens deploy effectors to interfere with bacterial growth and motility [J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11: 581511.

2. Jing Li#, Ji Wang#, NingXin Wang et al. GhWRKY44, a WRKY transcription factor of cotton, mediates defense responses to pathogen infection in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana[J]. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2015, 121:127-140.

3. Qi Li, Ji Wang, Tian Bai et al. A Phytophthora capsici effector suppresses plant immunity via interaction with EDS1 [J]. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2020, 00: 1-10.

4. XiaoBo Chen, Ji Wang, Ming Zhu et al. A cotton Raf-like MAP3K gene, GhMAP3K40, mediates reduced tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress in Nicotiana benthamiana by negatively regulating growth and development[J]. Plant Science, 2015, 240: 10-24.

5. Qi Li, Yanyu Chen, Ji Wang et al. A Phytophthora capsici virulence effector associates with NPR1 and suppresses plant immune responses [J]. Phytopathology Research, 2019, 1: 6.

6. Qi Li, Gan Ai, Danyu Shen, Fen Zou, Ji Wang et al. A Phytophthora capsici effector targets ACD11 binding partners that regulate ROS mediated defense response in Arabidopsis [J]. Molecular Plant, 2019, 12: 565-581.